June Golf and Education Meeting
Grand Geneva Resort - Highlands Course - Two Person Scramble Event
Host Supt. – Seth Brogren – Highlands Course
Please join your peers for a great day of networking, education and golf!
10:00 am Registration and Check In Please pre-register by Thursday 6.15.17 to avoid late fee
10:30 am “The Value of Master Planning” – Jay Blasi, GC Architect –Jay Blasi Design
Learn about Course Life Cycles, ROI, Proactive vs. Reactive Work, and MORE! .
Mr. Blasi is a UW Alumni, and prior to starting his own firm worked for RTJII. (CEU’s have been applied for)
11:30 am LUNCH – “Burgers-N-Dogs” – Salads, slaw, watermelon, cookies and bars.
12:30 pm GOLF EVENT – Two Man Scramble (Choose partner, list foursome or we can pair)
Proper Golf Attire Appreciated by Host Club
Hors D’ Oeuvres – Meatballs, Salmon, Beef Skewers, Quesadillas, and Cheeses (Cash Bar)
Cost $75.00 incl. Education, Lunch, Prizes, Golf, Cart, Recpt. & $5 Donation to TDL
$35.00 includes Education, Lunch AND $5 Donation to TDL
Directions Please GPS address above
More information go to www.grandgeneva.com