Due to heavy rains prior to the event we had to cancel our MAY Meeting.
All registrants have been issued a refund for the registration fees.
We are hoping we can return to Racine CC next year!!
Download the HARD COPY Registration Form HERE
Please join your fellow WGCSA peers and guests for a great morning of fun and golf!
Deadline is Thursday 5.11.18 after this date space will be very limited.
Make your Foursomes and REGISTER EARLY!
8:30 am Registration and Check In Please YOU MUST pre-register by Thursday 5.11.18!
Continental Breakfast included with registration – Coffee, Juice, Rolls, and Kringle.
9:30 am GOLF – FORMAT FOUR MAN SCRAMBLE (Gross and Net Divisions)
(pick your foursome or we will pair- Shotgun Start) (Please provide handicaps for Net Div.)
Proper Golf Attire Required by Host Facility
1:30 pm LUNCH – “Brat –n-Burger Buffet” – house chips, fries, and salad.
Awards will be announced during lunch time. Cash Bar will be available.
Cost $70.00 incl. Cont. Breakfast, Lunch, Event Prizes, Golf, Cart, & Awards
$25.00 includes Lunch Only
Directions Please GPS address above
More information go to www.racinecountryclub.com