June Golf Meeting at Bentdale Farms GC

  • 06/18/2019
  • 10:00 AM
  • Hidden Glen Golf Club, Cedarburg, WI


  • Choose this registration if you have a partner for golf AND you want to pay for BOTH of you.
  • Choose this registration if you know your partner, and would like to play AND pay for another team (entire foursome)
  • Choose this registration if you would like to network and attend the reception after golf ONLY.

Registration is closed

View the Hard Copy Registration Form and Details HERE

Please join your peers for a great day of networking and golf!

10:00 am          Registration and Check In  

Please pre-register by Friday 6.14.19 to avoid late fee

11:00 am          GOLF EVENT – Two Person Scramble

(Choose partner, list foursome or we can pair)

                        Proper Golf Attire Appreciated by Host Club                                                                                                                    

 ON COURSE BOX LUNCH  – Turkey and Ham Wrap, chips, dessert, and water.

                        AFTER GOLF AWARDS RECEPTION – Hors D ’Oeuvres (Cash Bar)

Cost               $65.00 incl. Box Lunch, Prizes, Golf, Cart, Recpt. & $5 Donation to TDL

$25.00 includes RECEPTION ONLY AND $5 Donation to TDL

Directions         Please GPS address above

                        More information go to www.hiddenglengolfclub.com

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