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Please join your fellow WGCSA peers and guests for a great day of fun and golf!
please register ASAP by Thursday 6.10.21 after this date space will be limited.
Two Person Best Ball - 10:00 AM Shotgun
Make your Two Person Team and REGISTER TODAY!
9:00 am Registration and Check In Please pre-register by Friday 6.10.21!
10:00 am GOLF – FORMAT Two Person BEST BALL (Gross and Net Divisions)(pick your team and foursome). (Please provide handicaps for Net Div.) Proper Golf Attire required. We will do our best to pair.
Lunch - BOX Lunch on CARTS
2:00 pm Awards and Reception – “BBQ Style Hors d'oeuvres” – Cash Bar.
Cost: $70.00 incl. Golf, Cart, Box Lunch, Event Prizes, and Reception, and Awards
$40.00 includes Reception Only.