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Become a Member

We encourage all Wisconsin Golf Course Superintendents, Assistants, Equipment Managers (Mechanics), Companies, Students, and others interested in learning, promoting, and networking about Golf and Turf Management in our great state to apply today!   

We are an active and proud Affiliated Chapter of the GCSAA.  We offer multiple monthly educational and golf meetings, and specific events and training for our Assistant Superintendent and Equipment Manager Members.  We hold our Annual Golf Turf Symposium, Couples Event, Spring Education Meeting, and encourage and promote the Wisconsin Turfgrass Association and Wee One events in Wisconsin.  All members receive a subscription of The Grass Roots, our award winning magazine, and exclusive content on the members-only side of this website, including the job opportunities postings.

If you have any questions please contact Ch. Mgr. Jake Schneider via Email. He will be happy to assist you in your application.

Class “AA” Life Members
To qualify for life membership, a member must have been a Charter Member or a Regular Member for at least twenty-five (25) years, or a former member of the Executive Committee; and must have retired from active service as a golf course Superintendent. A Life Member shall have all rights and privileges of the Association except that of holding office. A Life Member shall be excused from payment of annual dues and assessments.

Class “B” Superintendent Member
To qualify for Class “B” membership, an applicant can be any person of good character, who at the time of application for membership has less than three years experience as a golf course superintendent and is currently serving in such capacity. Class “B” members shall have all the privileges of the Association.

Class “E” Affiliate
For a company, association or individual to qualify for membership in this Class they must show sufficient interest in growing, management or production of turfgrass, to work for the benefit of the Association. Affiliate representatives will be allowed to attend and participate at all meetings of the WGCSA. These representatives shall be entitled to all privileges of the Association with the exception of voting and holding office.

Class “I” Inactive Member
An Inactive Member, by circumstances such as unemployment, illness, or adverse financial condition, is unable to pay dues. Membership in this class may be granted upon proper application at the discretion of the Executive Committee. Inactive members may not vote or hold office. An Inactive member shall be excused from the payment of annual dues and assessments. Inactive Member applications will be reviewed on an annual basis.

You may apply online for the various member types below OR you may also download the Hard Copy Application and return the form with applicable payment. All applications for membership will be reviewed and approved by the WGCSA upon full payment.

Class “C” Assistant Golf Course Superintendent
To qualify for Class “C” membership, an applicant can be any person of good character who at the time of application for membership is currently employed as an assistant to a Class A or B golf course superintendent. Class “C” members shall have all the privileges of the association. 

Class “EM” Equipment Manager Member

To qualify for Class “EM” membership, an applicant can be any person of good character who at the time of application for membership is currently employed as an Equipment Manager or Technician or Mechanic to a Class A or B golf course superintendent member. Class “EM” members shall have all the privileges of the Association except that he/she shall not vote or hold office.

Class “R” Retired Member
Any Class “A”, Class “B”, Associate, or Affiliate Member reaching age 55, who is retired and no longer seeking employment within the scope of any membership class, may apply in writing for Retired Membership, the annual dues for which shall be one-half the amount paid by Class “A” members. A Retired Member shall have all the privileges afforded the member in his/her immediate previous classification, with the exception of holding office.

Class “A” Golf Course Superintendent
To qualify for Class “A” membership an applicant shall have, at the time of application for membership, at least three (3) years experience as a golf course superintendent and be employed in such capacity. Class “A” members shall have all the privileges of the association.

Class “D” Associate Member

To qualify for Associate Membership, an applicant could be a golf course official, owner, or active participant wishing to participate in association business. Employment by a Golf Course Superintendent or Class “E” affiliate company, which are members, shall also qualify individuals for Association Membership. Associate members shall have all of the privileges of the Association, except those of voting and of holding office.

Class “S” Student Member
To qualify for membership in this Class, an applicant must be a person enrolled in a turf culture at a Wisconsin State University or College, or a turf student out of state, in which to be employed by a Class “A” or Class “B” member of this Association. Such a member shall be excused from payment of annual dues or assessments, and shall be entitled to all privileges of this Association except that he/she shall not vote or hold office.

Class “H” Honorary Member

Honorary Members are such persons upon whom the members of the Association shall feel inclined to bestow such membership. Honorary Members shall be elected to membership for one year by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any regular meeting, or by the Board of Directors. An Honorary Member shall not be required to pay dues or assessments and shall have all the privileges of the Association except voting or holding office.

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